Handy Tips for Fire Prevention Month

With the peak of summer heat fast approaching, the month of March has been declared as “Fire Prevention Month” to prepare Filipino citizens in preventing and responding to fire-related incidents.

Based on statistics from the Bureau of Fire Protection, most fires break out during April and May. An average of 10,000 fires are recorded yearly and 23% of these happen during the summer months.

Through various government agencies and led by the Bureau of Fire Protection, citizens are educated on the causes and hazards of fire incidents. Knowledge Channel likewise, emphasizes the importance of fire prevention through a video and infographic that can be shown during classes and displayed on classroom bulletin boards.

Tips on Using Fire Extinguishers

Fire extinguishers are crucial in every property or establishment. In cases of fire, the extinguisher is the immediate line of defense to stop a fire from spreading.

In using the fire extinguisher:

Make sure to hold its hose properly and strongly aim it on the fire.

There are different types of fire extinguishers:

  1. Red Fire Extinguisher (Dry Powder Fire Extinguisher) – Can be used on Class A, B, and C fire.

  2. Blue Fire Extinguisher (Aqueous Film Foaming Fire Extinguishers) – Can be used on Class A and B fire.

  3. Green Fire Extinguisher (HCFC Fire Extinguisher) – For class C fire only.

*There are fires that requires different types of extinguisher because not all fire are from the same source (wood, electricity etc).

CLASS A – Ordinary Combustibles such as wood, paper, rubber, plastic, cloth, etc.

CLASS B – Surface Fire (Flammable/Combustible liquids and gases) such as gasoline, alcohol, paints, thinner, grease, LPG release of gas

CLASS C – Electrical Fire (Involves live electrical equipment) such as motors, electric fan, air-conditioning unit, computer, etc.

For more fire prevention tips: watch the video or download the infographic.


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