KCFI Stand on Marcos Burial

On the 8th of November 2016, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. Ten days later, unbeknownst to the public, the Marcos family buried him in the very ground reserved for our nation’s heroes.

These actions shocked, infuriated and saddened many as they were brazen attempts to repudiate the sacrifices and the values Filipinos valiantly fought for during the martial law era up until the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution, and beyond.

How now do we teach our children to properly discern good from evil?

How do we tell them that human rights abuses and killings are unacceptable?

How do we explain justice to the children and grandchildren of Martial Law victims?

How do we exemplify to them good governance if the very man who lied, cheated and plundered our nation’s coffers was now ceremoniously given a hero’s burial?

How do we teach our children what is right from wrong if what was once wrong is now considered right and proper?

As an institution built on the pillars of social justice, nationalism, service, integrity and commitment to holistic learning of Filipino children and youth, the Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc. (KCFI) believes the burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani is a grave disservice to our nation’s children and youth as it seriously imperils the moral fabric of our country.

True to character, KCFI remains relentless in its mission of educating learners on the values enshrined in our Constitution. We will continue to guide K to 12 learners and their teachers in discovering the authentic meaning of leadership and heroism. We will light every classroom with educational tools and approaches that children will know the truth in their hearts and minds. This is our unwavering commitment to serving the Filipino children– the future of our nation.


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