Training and Mentoring
K-CARE Training Program
Knowledge Channel Child-rearing Advancement and Responsive Education Program
3-day onsite training program on early child development.
Participants: 10 barangays/8 participants per barangay - Child Development Workers/Teachers, Barangay Health Workers, Parents, Nutrition Scholars, Barangay officials involved with ECD, and MSWDO
10 units of Knowledge Channel Portable Media Library (KCPML) - an external hard drive with educational videos for ECD
Online coaching and mentoring
Training kit, materials, certificates, venue, and meals
Learning Effectively through Enhanced and Evidence-based
Pedagogies (LEEP)
3-day onsite training program 21st Century approaches, with focus on maximizing Knowledge Channel video lessons as a in instruction.
Participants: 10 schools/8 participants - 1 Principal and 7 Teachers
10 units of Knowledge Channel Portable Media Library - an external hard drive with DepEd-aligned curriculum-based video lessons, e-games, e-session guides, and other learning materials
Online coaching and mentoring
Training kit, materials, certificates, venue, and meals
CPD points for teachers
LEEP Reading
LEEP Reading equips teachers of Grades 1 to 3 in helping students learn to read English and Filipino through coaching, mentoring, and monitoring. This is complemented with Knowledge Channel’s hundreds of curriculum-based video lessons for learning reading.
LEEP Math builds Grades 1 to 3 teacher’s skills in teaching Math through content and teaching workshops using learner-centered approaches and other 21st Century Pedagogies and Knowledge Channel Media and Technology.
Ways you can help support Knowledge Channel’s Programs
Donation starts for as low as 10 USD in providing students internet access to online learning.
Donation starts for as low as 10 USD in providing students internet access to online learning.
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