KCAT Gifts Knowledge Channel Training to Teachers

In celebration of National Teachers’ Month, 150 teachers from Kabankalan City have recently been trained in 21st Century teaching strategies and pedagogies through the Knowledge Channel Teaching in the New Normal (KCTINN) Teacher Training Program. The three-day training was made possible through the sponsorship of the Kabankalan Community Antenna Television System, Inc. or KCAT and for the first time, broadcasted on community TV.

In a virtual MOA signing event between KCAT, KCFI and DepEd SDO Kabankalan City, KCAT President Joel Dabao emphasized the importance of serving their community by investing in Knowledge Channel Foundation’s interventions. “The C in KCAT stands for community, and our community is always be at  the core of our business,” Dabao said.  “Hopefully with the training done by the exceptional trainers of KCFI and the portable media libraries containing top educational content produced by the Knowledge Channel, we can fill the gaps,” he added.

Knowledge Channel Foundation (KCFI) Director of Operations Edric Calma formally welcomed KCAT as one of the Foundation’s champions saying that partnerships are critical as “the pandemic called for a shift to distance learning despite of lock of training and resources.” He also added that partners who believe in supporting Filipino teachers and learners is the key for the nation to thrive amid a crisis.

Dr. Portia Mallorca, Schools Division Superintendent (SDS) of the Department of Education in Kabankalan City expressed her gratitude for the opportunity given by KCAT and KCFI to their teachers. “For these 3 days training, our beloved teachers will be the receivers. You will be the recipients of the gift of training given by the Knowledge Channel and KCAT but after this training, you will be the givers and the receivers will be our learners,” she stated in a live message during the virtual MOA singing event.

KCAT and KCFI have been long-standing partners in education. KCAT’s President Joel Dabao also sits as the President of the Philippine Cable and Telecommunications Association (PCTA) of which over 90 percent of its 300 polus members already carry Knowledge Channel in their respective channel line ups.


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