KCFI Board of Trustees Visit Public Schools in Rizal

BY MICHAEL RAMOS | Mar. 1, 2019

With the aim of deepening grassroots partnerships with public schools, six members of the Board of Trustees of Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc. (KCFI) visited two partner schools in the municipality of Morong, Rizal last February 19, 2019.

The whole day immersive experience gave the board members an opportunity to observe, interact, and commune with the Department of Education supervisors, school heads from the different schools in Morong, and the principals, students and teachers of Bombongan Elementary School and Yapak Elementary School.

The KCFI Board of Trustees made its first stop in Bombongan Elementary School, where all 13 classrooms have access to Knowledge Channel through a digital satellite receiver (DSR) donated to them in 2011. Each member was paired with a KCFI employee and assigned in a classroom to observe teacher-student interactions while using Knowledge Channel. A meaningful discussion then followed between board members and principals of the different Morong schools, as well as a presentation of school achievements from Mr. Bernie Tolosa, Grade 5 teacher of Bombongan Elementary School. Lively conversations continued over a convivial lunch before the KCFI team departed for its next stop in Lagundi.

The modest-looking Yapak Elementary School was the next stop, located somewhere in the mountains of Rizal and with a small population of 100 students. All 6 classrooms have on-demand access to Knowledge Channel via external hard drive. KCFI board members spent some time observing classes and interacting with the teachers, students, and community members. The visit was capped off with a debrief conducted by Ateneo Philosophy professor PJ Mariano-Capistrano and a photo opportunity with the kids and teachers of Yapak Elementary School.


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