KCFI Receives iAcademy Outstanding Partner Award

For the third year in a row, Knowledge Channel Foundation (KCFI) has once again been presented with the prestigious Outstanding Industry Partner Award from the Information and Communications Technology Academy or iAcademy last April 23.

Known for their immersive internship program and innovative approaches in learning, iAcademy has been a steadfast partner of Knowledge Channel Foundation since 2018 in creating and developing educational content for Filipino children. Known as “game changers”, iAcademy students interning via the Knowledge channel Volunteer and Internship Program or KCVIP offer over 400 hours of their talents and skills in the fields of animation and design, video editing, information technology, and marketing and communications.

In a recorded message by iAcademy president Vanessa Tanco during their Partnership Recognition Event, she thanked the numerous organizations and companies that have continued to put their trust in their institution despite the COVID-19 Pandemic. “I am pleased to share with you that despite the challenges the last year has brought about, our growing network of game changing partners have continued to support and stand by iAcademy. Together we adapted and embraced the shifts that took place steered by our goal to provide quality and world class education to our students.”

Upon virtually receiving the award, KCFI President and Executive Director Rina Lopez had nothing but gratitude for iAcademy for their contribution in helping end the Philippine Learning Crisis. “Thank you for recognizing us once again as one of your most valued partners. Since we’ve started our partnership in 2018, we’ve had close to one hundred iAcademy interns helping us create, animate, and design hundreds of animated video lessons that are now being watched by over 5 million households who are learning through TV and online. Let’s keep it going and together we will help end the learning crisis in our country.”

Over 300 hundred interns have already graduated from the KCVIP with their works proudly published and broadcasted over Knowledge Channel and its social media platforms. In 2019, the program bagged the coveted Lopez Achievement Award for Operations Management (read article).

For internship inquiries, you may email interns@knowledgechannel.org.


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