Rina Lopez on Sustainability Through Education

The choices we make and the actions we take or do not take as a people determine our future.
— Rina Lopez-Bautista

Filled with passion and inspiration, KCFI President and Executive Director Rina Lopez-Bautista delivered a talk during the 2016 Learning Synergy Summit held last November 29 at the Rockwell Business Center in Ortigas. The event was attended by more than a hundred employees under the different companies of the Lopez Group.

In her session entitled “A Sustainable Future through Education,” Lopez-Bautista, daughter of Oscar M. Lopez, shared the link between sustainability in education and the importance of values. “This is actually integral in the sustainability of our companies and as a people,” she says in her speech.

She also shared her family’s experience during Martial Law in light of the issue of Marcos’ Burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani. “I do not wish on any family what we went through,” she tearfully says.“We were the biggest losers financially. But that is not to say that others suffered less.” According to Lopez-Bautista, education plays an important role in the sustainability of the country and its people. “The choices we make and the actions we take or do not take as a people determine our future,” she adds.

According to Lopez-Bautista, education plays an important role in the sustainability of the country and its people. “The choices we make and the actions we take or do not take as a people determine our future,” she adds.

Other speakers joining Lopez-Bautista in the afternoon plenary block included Mr. Rafael Lopez of the Healthy Energy Initiative and Datu Samuel Asicam of the Mount Apo Foundation. The Keynote Message was delivered by Regina Paz Lopez, Secretary of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR).


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